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​Karate team


1922   Gichin Funakoshi published “Ryukyu-kenpo Karate ”* in Tokyo for the first time.


1924   Keio University “Karate Kenkyukai” was established (Gichin Funakoshi became Shihan).

1925   Published “Rengo Goshin Karate” *.


1928    Converted a Mita storeroom into a dojo (commonly known as a cantera hut).


1929  at the 5th anniversary convention, Karate was renamed “Karate” and the concept of “the path” leading to the cultivation and perfection of character was introduced, and the name “Karate-do” was proclaimed both at home and abroad. All current kata other than Seen-tsin are clearly stated, including Naha-te (Goju-kei) three fights, Super Rimpei (Super Rimpei), and Tensho-sho. Of these, “Kigare” (creative form) and “Tawada's bassai” are lost.


1930   “Inen enemy tenga” (flat plaque), “Ken” (first issue of the departmental research journal)


1932   “Karate Kenkyukai” approved as an inter-collegiate competition club October 15 “Athletic Karate Club” approved and Mita Karate-kai established as a senior organization       


1933   Yahiku Meng “Shuji, Sakugawa no kon” was appointed as a professor.


1934   Mita Dojo was built.


1935  10th anniversary of the 10th anniversary of Professor Kenwa Mabuni's “Seen Ching”. Publication of “Karatedo Kyohan ”*.


1936   “Karatedo Shuse” published (karate was officially renamed and declared “karate” in Okinawa).


1937   Construction of the Hiyoshi Dojo


1951   Construction of Hiyoshi Dojo (2nd time)


1957   1st All Japan University Championship held. Honjyuku wins second place (Japan's first official karate competition that transcends styles)


1958   Construction of Hiyoshi Dojo (3rd), Construction of Koganei Engineering Dojo


1960    (Revival) 1st Waseda-Keio Karate Regular Tournament


1963   Shinanomachi Dojo was built.


1968   Construction of new dojo in Mita


1972    Demolition of the dojo of the Faculty of Engineering (due to the relocation of the Faculty of Engineering to Hiyoshi)


1974   Karate Club's 50th Anniversary published


1992    Renovation of Hiyoshi Dojo


1999   Karate Club 75th Anniversary published


2003   Shinanomachi Dojo was reconstructed.

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